

Quotes from Anonymous

My ass hurts and I broke the beerzooka
I like the cut of your jib. Smells like a dirt pile that's been fucked by a hobo.
I hope you can't lick your cock
Stripper smell = a sweaty old man, some kind of lilac, baby powder, and a hint of BO
Bananas do not belong in asses.
Maybe she is squirting out all the cum she collected last night
A friend with weed is a friend indeed!
Joe is as dirty as a shower can clean
And to top it all off, there is a hole in my boxers that snags my nuts every time I stand up.
Oh Jenny, I'd have your baby too!
Jen's Vag: Smells like roses, tastes like bacon.
You get it wet enough, it comes out easily.
[Let me] feel your boobies
Pussy... It's what's for dinner